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chinese herb tea中文是什么意思

用"chinese herb tea"造句"chinese herb tea"怎么读"chinese herb tea" in a sentence


  • 凉茶
  • 青草茶


  • It also issues permits for the sale of restricted foods such as frozen confections , milk , non - bottled drinks , chinese herb tea , cut fruit , sushi and sashimi , oysters and meat to be eaten raw , and food sold from vending machines
  • It also issues permits for the sale of restricted foods such as frozen confections , milk , non - bottled drinks , chinese herb tea , cut fruit , sushi and sashimi , oysters and meat to be eaten raw , and food sold from vending machines
  • It also issues permits for the sale of restricted foods such as frozen confections , milk , non - bottled drinks , chinese herb tea , cut fruit , sushi and sashimi , oysters and meat to be eaten raw , and food sold from vending machines
  • It also issues permits for the sale of restricted foods , such as frozen confections , milk , non - bottled drinks , chinese herb tea , cut fruit , sushi and sashimi , oysters and meat to be eaten raw , food sold from vending machines , and for operating karaoke establishments in restaurants
用"chinese herb tea"造句  


Chinese herb(al) tea, also known as medicinal herbal tea, is a kind of tea-soup made from purely Chinese medicinal herbs in Guangdong (Kwangtung), China. It usually tastes bitter or lightly sweet and its colour is typically black or dark brown, depending on what kinds of herbs are used.
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